Integrate ActiveCampagin

Step 1 : Login to your ActiveCampagin Account.

Step 2 : From the bottom left corner click Settings.

Step 3 : Then Click on Developer

Step 4 : In the Developer page, you will see a URL and Key

Step 5 : Copy the URL, and paste it in Brave’s ActiveCampagin Integration’s API URL

Step 6 : Copy the key, and paste it in Brave’s ActiveCampagin Integration’s API Key

Step 7 : Then paste the API key in ActiveCampagin API key and the API URL in the respective fields in Brave Integration section and Click the Connect button.


Now when you add a Form and then go the Form’s Action Settings and click the “Add user to a Newsletter Tab” you will be able to access the ActiveCampagin Integration settings that will let you select the ActiveCampagin List where you want the add the visitor to.