Get Real-time Email Notification When a Campaign Goal is completed by a visitor

One of the most powerful features of Brave is that it sends you real-time notifications when a visitor completes a goal. This is very useful when you are selling high price items and get in touch with the lead as soon as they are interested.

To get real-time email notification when a visitor completes a goal, you need to first create a Popup, then set its goal and then set the email Notification settings. After you have set the Popup’s goal, to setup real-time email notification:

  1. Click the “Goal” menu from the Popup Editor screen.
  2. Then Click Notification > Email.
  3. A new window will appear.
  4. Check the “Enable Email Notification” option.
  5. Then enter your email addresses in the “Send Notifications to these Emails:” where you want the notification to be sent when a visitor completes the Popup’s goal.
  6. You can add multiple email address separated by commas. Eg: myemail@gmail.com, another@company.com
  7. Then click the “Okay” button to save the settings.
  8. Now, whenever a visitor completes a goal, you will get an email real-time in the Following Format:Subject: [MySite] Someone Just Completed a Popup Goal
    Body: A Visitor from New York, United States Viewed Your Popup: My Popup


Apart from email notification, you can also get sms, slack, push notifications and other type of notifications or add entries to your Google Sheets and a lot more with Zapier Integration.