Integrate ConstantContact

Step 1: Go to this page: https://constantcontact.mashery.com/page and create an account.

Step 2: Once you have created an account, sign in using through this page: https://constantcontact.mashery.com/login/

Step 3: Then head back to the https://constantcontact.mashery.com/page and click the Register link.

Step 4: You will be redirected to Application creation page.

Step 5: In the Application Name field, write “Brave” and then scroll down and check the “I agree to the terms of service” checkbox and click the Register Application button.

Step 6: Once the process is complete you will be redirected to the New Application’s details page.

Step 7: You will see the Application key, copy it and paste it in the Brave’s ConstantContact Integration page’s API Key field.

Step 8: Then go back to the Constant Contact’s application page and click the “Get an Access Token” and try the API here” link from the top.

Step 9: A new window will open up, where you will see a Get Access Token button. Click the button and you will be redirected to an account creation page.

Step 10: Click I already have an account

Step 11: Once you login, click the Allow

Step 12: You will be redirected to a page, where you will be given an Access Token. Copy the access token and paste it Brave’s constantcontact Access Token Field.

Step 13: Finally Click Connect to connect your ConstantContact account.

Now when you add a Form and then go the Form’s Action Settings and click the “Add user to a Newsletter Tab” you will be able to access the ConstantContact Integration settings that will let you select the ConstantContact List where you want the add the visitor to.

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Created With Brave