Integrate AWeber

Step 1: From your WordPress dashboard, Go to Brave Popups > Integrations.

Step 2: Click the Get Auth Code link.

Step 3: A new popup window will appear where you have to login to your AWeber account and allow access to Brave Popup Builder.


Step 4: Once you allow access, you will be given a Authorization Code. Copy the Code and paste it in Authorization Code field in the Brave’s AWeber integration settings page.

Step 5: After pasting the code, click the Get Refresh Token Link and in a few seconds, the Refresh token field will be atomically filled.

Step 6: Now that both Authorization Code and Refresh Token field is available, click the “Connect” button to Complete the AWeber Integration process.


Now when you add a Form element in your Brave Popup and then go the Form’s Action Settings and click the “Add user to a Newsletter Tab” you will be able to access the AWeber Integration settings that will let you select the AWeber List where you want the add the visitor to.

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