Set who should see the Campaign

You can set who sees the Campaign from each Item’s Audience Settings section. The Campaign Audience settings can be accessed from each Campaign’s settings Page. To access the Placement settings Select an existing Popup from the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Brave > All Campaigns and then when the Popup Editor loads, click the “Settings” menu from the top of the editor screen.


Displaying the Popup only to Desktop Users or to Mobile Users

With Brave you can create a popup and serve the popup only to desktop users or to Mobile users. To serve popups to visitors with certain devices, go to the Popup settings page and scroll down to the Audience Settings section and click the “Device” option and a small popup will be displayed. You can then select which device you want the display the Popup to.

When you select “All”, the Popup will be displayed to all visitors regardless of what device they use.

When you select “Desktop”, the Popup will only be displayed with visitors who are browsing the popup using a desktop computer or a tablet.

When you select “Mobile”, the Popup will only be displayed with visitors who are browsing the popup using a Mobile device.


Displaying the Popup only to certain User type

With Brave you can create a popup and display popups only to certain users based on their roles. To display popup to certain type of users, go to the Popup settings page and scroll down to the Audience Settings section and click the “User Type” option and a small popup will be displayed.

When you select “All” the Popup will be displayed to users regardless of their role.

When you select “Non-Registered”, the popup will be only displayed to non-registered users.

When you select “Registered”, the popup will be only displayed to registered users.

When you select “Administrators”, the popup will be only displayed to administrators.



Displaying the Popup only to visitors who came from a certain Website

You can display your popup only to visitors who came from a certain domain, for example, you can display a certain popup who came to your website from Google Search result. Or from a certain domain eg: yahoo, Reddit, Producthunt, twitter, Facebook etc.

To display the popup only to visitors who came from certain domains. Go to Popup’ settings page and click the “Traffic Source” option and select “Specific”. Then click the Add button beside the “Add/Edit Referral Web Pages”.

When you do that, the popup will be only served to visitors came from the list of domains you added to the option.

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Created With Brave